bokeh and Emacs org-mode
1. Introduction
I’ve been wanting to play around with interactive Javascript plots for a while; for example: The selection functionality is really cool!
This post is an experiment in embedding bokeh plots in org-mode notebooks that rendered properly when exported as HTML pages. There are two approaches for embedding.
2. Using autoload_static
Based on
Some notes:
- This method stores the data in a separate
file which should make the org file easier to handle. Also, the figure can embedded freely in many places. - Figuring where to get the bokeh css and js files can be tricky (docs):
- You can use the CDN:
from bokeh.resources import CDN
to load the bokeh js file over the internet. Not good for future-proofing. - Using
loads bokeh from your local python installation; so that’s good for local notebooks but your figures/notebooks might break when bokeh updates. - The
option inlines the necessary js and css in the exported.js
file but then with multiple images; you end up with multiple copies so that’s wasteful, but seems like the only future-proof option. Also, you can have two figures made with different bokeh versions embedded in the same document, so that’s a plus.
- You can use the CDN:
2.1. Prerequisites
I am using
- bokeh 0.12.10
- org 9.1.2
- emacs
- ob-ipython @ 1642a74
I define a function export_bokeh
to do the actual heavy lifting. This function could be moved to your ipython
file so that it is defined for every ipython session.
def export_bokeh(plot, outPNG, outJS, outHTML, bkjs='inline'): from import export_png from bokeh.embed import autoload_static, file_html import bokeh.resources if bkjs is 'local': # use local installed bokeh scripts wherebokeh = bokeh.resources.Resources(mode='absolute') if bkjs is 'remote' or bkjs is 'CDN': # use CDN bokeh scripts wherebokeh = bokeh.resources.CDN if bkjs is 'relative': # bkjs is a relative path to the locally installed bokeh files wherebokeh = bokeh.resources.Resources(mode='relative', root_dir='./') if bkjs is 'inline': wherebokeh = bokeh.resources.INLINE # save the png file export_png(plot, filename=outPNG) # save the html file html = file_html(plot, wherebokeh, None) with open(outHTML, 'w') as file: file.write(html) js, script = autoload_static(plot, wherebokeh, outJS) # save the .js file with open(outJS, "w") as writer: writer.write(js) # embed in the org-exported HTML file print('''#+BEGIN_EXPORT html\n{script}\n#+END_EXPORT'''.format(script=script.lstrip()))
Embedding the figure is then quite easy once you
- tell ob-ipython to capture stdout and put it in a drawer so that it’s replaced everytime to rerun the source block.
- provide a custom filename for export (
I use this header line:
#+BEGIN_SRC ipython :session :results output drawer :exports both :var fname="my-image" :var titlestr="Demonstrating bokeh"
2.2. Example
This will export a png image, an HTML file and a Javascript file. That way there are both static and dynamic versions that are easy to share as well as an emebeddable version.
from bokeh.plotting import figure from bokeh.layouts import gridplot from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, HoverTool, WheelZoomTool tools='box_select, reset' # create "subplots" p1 = figure(tools=tools) p1.background_fill_alpha = 0.0 p1.border_fill_alpha = 0.0 p2 = figure(tools=tools, x_range=p1.x_range, y_range=p1.y_range) p2.background_fill_alpha = 0.0 p2.border_fill_alpha = 0.0 # generate data x = np.random.randn(200) y0 = x**3 - 100 y1 = x**2 - 100 # generate random letters import string import random label = [random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for aa in range(200)] # needed for linked selection source = ColumnDataSource(data={'x': x, 'y0': y0, 'y1': y1, 'label': label}) # plot the data'x', 'y0', source=source) p2.scatter('x', 'y1', source=source) p1.title.text = titlestr wheel = WheelZoomTool() # add some tooltips hover = HoverTool() hover.tooltips = [ ("(x,y)", "($x, $y)"), # '$' for co-ordinates ("label", "@label") # note '@' for column lookup ] p1.add_tools(hover, wheel) p2.add_tools(hover, wheel) p1.toolbar.active_scroll = wheel p2.toolbar.active_scroll = wheel # layout the subplots pg = gridplot([[p1, p2]], plot_width=400, plot_height=400) export_bokeh(pg, '../static/'+fname+'.png', '../static/js/'+fname+'.js', '../static/html/'+fname+'.html')
The above figure is a rendering of the RESULTS
#+RESULTS: :RESULTS: #+BEGIN_EXPORT html <script src="../static/js/my-image.js" id="f1c145ed-260c-411c-8c26-f71b52427218" data-bokeh-model-id="5f0145de-1c4e-4ee2-9a64-f38f255c81ff" data-bokeh-doc-id="20261111-dbef-4dd0-b40c-d8c04db088bd" ></script> #+END_EXPORT :END:
2.3. Improvements
Things I would like:
- Automatically run the HTML export when running the code block.
- Can I add-hook to
- Can I add-hook to
- The ability to auto-hide the javascript in the
drawer but show the exported png file.- Ideally, I would see the png in the org file and the javascript in the HTML file. The other should be hidden. Seems too complicated.
- A nice solution would be to insert a link to the png file in the image caption.
- Are actual captions (
) possible with bokeh figures? - Avoid the explicit
call if possible.- Ideally,
would be able to tell that this is a bokeh block; use thefname
var to pass the figure handlep
and do everything. This would be close to jupyter notebook workflow. - This might be possible using IPython formatters as suggested by the
README.- Could we then define
and call that when the returned object is a bokeh figure handle?
- Could we then define
- Ideally,
- Can we get holoviews to work with this? Optionally tell it to use either matplotlib or bokeh backends
3. Using components (not-recommended)
I made some slight modifications to though I didn’t need to embed anything in a frame. The principal drawback here is that all the data is returned in stdout
and written to the org file. This would get unwieldy for big plots.
Add the following at the top of my org file to use locally downloaded versions of bokeh. Note that versions need to match/be compatible with what you have installed (
).HTML_HEAD: <link rel="stylesheet" href="/home/deepak/tools/bokeh/bokeh-0.12.10.min.css" type="text/css" /> HTML_HEAD: <link rel="stylesheet" href="/home/deepak/tools/bokeh/bokeh-widgets-0.12.10.min.css" type="text/css" /> HTML_HEAD: <script type="text/javascript" src="/home/deepak/tools/bokeh/bokeh-0.12.10.min.js"></script> HTML_HEAD: <script type="text/javascript" src="/home/deepak/tools/bokeh/bokeh-widgets-0.12.10.min.js"></script>
- For this website I use the CDN urls they provide :
def WriteToOrg(p): script, div = components(p) script = '\n'.join(['#+HTML_HEAD_EXTRA: ' + line for line in script.lstrip().split('\n')]) print('''{script}\n#+BEGIN_EXPORT html\n{div}\n#+END_EXPORT'''.format(script=script, div=div)) from bokeh.plotting import figure from bokeh.embed import components p = figure() p.line(np.random.randn(200), np.random.randn(200)) WriteToOrg(p)
4. Appendix
4.1. yasnippet
A simplified version of the one on ob-ipython
. This autogenerates a random filename.
#+BEGIN_SRC ipython :session :results output drawer :exports both :var fname=${1:`(make-temp-name "img")`} from bokeh.plotting import figure from bokeh.layouts import gridplot from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, HoverTool, WheelZoomTool tools='box_select, reset' # create "subplots" hf = figure(tools=tools) hf.background_fill_alpha = 0.0 hf.border_fill_alpha = 0.0 hf.$0 export_bokeh(hf, 'images/'+fname+'.png', 'images/js/'+fname+'.js', bkjs='inline') #+END_SRC
4.2. Dependencies
Looks like exporting to PNG requires
conda install phantomjs selenium
4.3. Styling
Either include a css file or add a style tag to
at the top of your org file.HTML_HEAD: <style> add-stuff-here </style>
Targeting the css class
lets you center the image.bk-grid-column
does it forgridplot
.bk-plot-layout .bk-grid-column { max-width: 100%; margin: auto;}
4.4. Source
Here is org-mode source for this page.