← Back | Deepak Cherian | 24 Apr 2020

Using podaacpy to subset Level-2P satellite swath data

This post will quickly demonstrate how to use the awesome podaacpy python package to access Level-2 satellite data on PO.DAAC. Only a few datasets have been updated to include the information necessary to subset. There is a list somewhere but I cannot find it anymore.

The approach here is:

  1. Query the server for all files in a dataset within a given bounding box;
  2. Parse the server response for URLs;
  3. Save those URLs to a file.
  4. Use xargs and wget to download the files in parallel

1. Preliminaries

First the required imports and initialize a Drive instance. You will need PO.DAAC credentials for this. These credentials can be specified either in podaac.ini or passed explicitly as done here. Docs here: https://podaacpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/drive.html#drive.Drive

import pdb
import podaac as po
import podaac.podaac as podaac
import podaac.podaac_utils as utils
from podaac import drive as drive
import tqdm
import warnings

from xml.dom import minidom

d = drive.Drive(None, username=YOUR_USERNAME, password=YOUR_PASSWORD)
p = podaac.Podaac()
u = utils.PodaacUtils()

2. Asking the server for results

Now we tell podaacpy the dataset and bounding box for the subset we want. The dataset_id can be found by looking for “Persistent ID” at the bottom of the PO.DAAC description page for the dataset. For example, see https://podaac.jpl.nasa.gov/dataset/MODIS_A-JPL-L2P-v2019.0

This dictionary specifies the dataset and the space/time bounds for the subset we want.

# dataset_id is "Peristent ID" at bottom of PODAAC page
# if bbox is specified, need the T...Z in start_time, end_time
kwargs = dict(
    dataset_id="PODAAC-GHMDA-2PJ19",  # Aqua v2019
    items_per_page="400",  # 400 seems to be max

p.granule_search asks PO.DAAC to search for all files matching the request.

result = p.granule_search(**kwargs, start_index="1")

    doc = minidom.parseString(result)

    num_granules = int(
    raise ValueError("Decoding response failed. Printing response below...")

print(f"Found {num_granules} granules.")

If all goes well this should print the total number of granules (or files) the request found.

The response from the server is in XML which can be painful to deal with (if you don’t know what you’re doing, like me) and looks like this: https://podaac.jpl.nasa.gov/ws/search/granule/?datasetId=PODAAC-GHMDA-2PJ19. For each file, the response contains an OPeNDAP URL which is what we want.

3. Parse the xml response to find OPeNDAP URLs

Luckily podaacpy has two very useful functions to deal with the xml response

  1. mine_granules_from_granule_search
  2. mine_opendap_urls_from_granule_search

Now we loop through, and parse the response page by page. This is because the server will only respond with one page of results at a time. So we call granule_search in a loop and pass it a different start_index each time. We then generate file names and get OPeNDAP URLs.

I am only interested in nighttime passes so I added a simple function filter_night to pull these out based on the file name.

def filter_night(string):
    return "MODIS_A-N-" in string

nitems = int(kwargs["items_per_page"])
name_list = []
url_list = []
for start in range(1, num_granules + 1, nitems):
    for attempt in range(1, 11):
        print(f"{start}, {attempt}")
        result = p.granule_search(**kwargs, start_index=str(start))

        names = u.mine_granules_from_granule_search(result)
        urls = u.mine_opendap_urls_from_granule_search(result)

        if start + len(names) != num_granules:
                assert len(names) == nitems
                assert len(urls) == nitems
            except AssertionError:
                    f"\n{len(names)} < {nitems} items returned. retrying attempt {attempt}..."
        warnings.warn("Invalid data returned. even after 10 attempts.", UserWarning)

    names = list(filter(filter_night, names))
    urls = list(filter(filter_night, urls))

    name_list += names
    url_list += urls

Now we have a list of file names name_list and a list of URLs url_list. We build a download command from these two and write that to a text file. Note that we can subset the file to keep the variables we want at this point. I found it useful to actually open one of the OPeNDAP URLs in a browser and click around to figure out what variables are available.

def make_wget_str(url, name):
    """ chooses netCDF4 and subsets to needed variables."""
    return (
        f" -O 'modis/{name}'"

with open("url-list.txt", "w") as f:
    f.write("\n".join(map(make_wget_str, sorted(url_list), sorted(name_list))))

4. Download!

Finally we can download the URLs in this file in parallel using this xargs command. -P 4 specified 4 parallel processes.

xargs -P 4 --replace --verbose --arg-file=url-list.txt /bin/sh -c "wget {}"

Each line is read and inserted at the location of {} so there is one wget command per line in url-list.txt.

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